2022 - Volume 17 [Issue 3]

Original Research Article

Formulation Optimization of an Improved Traditional Medicine from the Stem Bark Extract of Mangifera indica L. using Design of Experiments (DOE) Strategy

Tembe Estella Fokunang, Ekwoge Hilda Tonge, Bayaga Herve, Tchadji Vanessa, Njinkio Nono Borgia, Nene Ahidjo, Mogue Ingrid, Tabi Yves Omgba, Zintchem Roger, Nnanga Nga Emmanuel, Ngameni Bathelemy, Fokunang Charles Ntungwen

DOI: 10.9734/jocamr/2022/v17i330331

Page: 1-17

The Mixture Aqueous Extracts from Oxalis corniculata L. and Acmella caulirhiza Delile Accelerates Bone Healing in Fractured Rats

Florence Tsofack Ngueguim, Josiane Jouonzo, Jean Hubert Donfack, Raceline Kamkumo Gounoue, Jean Philippe Djientcheu, Clarice Noussi Djouwoug, Rodrigue Ngapout Fifen, Paul Desire Djomeni Dzeufiet, Théophile Dimo

DOI: 10.9734/jocamr/2022/v17i330332

Page: 18-28

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