2022 - Volume 20 [Issue 2]

Original Research Article

Microbiological Control of Thirty Traditional Herbal Formulations Marketed in Divo City in the Center Western of Côte d’ivoire

Kporou Kouassi Elisée, Kroa Ehoulé, Diboh Emmanuel, Kouakou K. Jean-Jacques, Kra A. K. Mathieu, Djaman A. Joseph

DOI: 10.9734/jocamr/2022/v20i2410

Page: 1-10

Multicellular Effects from Aqueous Stem Bark Extract of Cadaba farinosa Forsk on Selective Internal Organs of Wistar Rats

Solomon Matthias Gamde, Abubakar Amali Muhammad, Mohammed Umar, Ovie Godwin Avwioro, Ahmed Aminu Biambo, Eugene Samuel Bwede, Egbujo Ejike Amina, Emmanuel Mshelia Halilu

DOI: 10.9734/jocamr/2022/v20i2411

Page: 11-21

Distribution of Maternal Red Cell Antibodies and the Risk of Haemolytic Disease of the Foetus and Newborn in Sokoto Nigeria

H. A. Buhari, A. Sagir, S. A. Akuyam, O. Erhabor, A. A. Panti

DOI: 10.9734/jocamr/2022/v20i2412

Page: 22-29

The Relationship of Gestational Age on the Incidence of Vulvovaginal Candidiasis

Wiradi Suryanegara, Gorga I. V. W. Udjung

DOI: 10.9734/jocamr/2022/v20i2414

Page: 37-48

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