2023 - Volume 24 [Issue 2]

Systematic Review Article

Original Research Article

Status of Dhātu sāratā (the Level of Tissue Excellence) and its Association with Deha prakṛti (Body Constitution) in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

Weerasekara S., Waratenne P. R., Chandrasekara N. V., Wijewickrama E. S., Sunil-Chandra N. P.

DOI: 10.9734/jocamr/2023/v24i2494

Page: 1-15

Antinociceptive and Anti-inflammatory Properties of Triumfetta cordifolia A. Rich. (Tiliaceae) Root Methanol/Dichloromethane Extract

Chameni Nkouankam Maeva Jenna , Nguemfo Edwige Laure , Hzounda Jean Baptiste, Ngene Jean Pierre , Nguemnang Tchatchouang Russelle Camelie, Nsegbe Annick Christianne, Kuinze Kojap Augustine, Mbogbe Nadia Elise, Songue Sylvie Pascale, Sone Enone Bertin, Francois Eya’ane Meva

DOI: 10.9734/jocamr/2023/v24i2495

Page: 16-28

The Impact of Distance Online Laughter Yoga (DOLY) on Work Stress, Work Anxiety, Aloneness & Work Depression Feeling on Corporate Employees Who Worked from Home during the COVID Pandemic

Harish Rawat , Saloni Bisht , Abhishek Gupta , Irfan Elahi , Anupam Kumar Sachan , Challa Krishnaveer Abhishek Ram Kukkurah Vighnahartayyapodu

DOI: 10.9734/jocamr/2023/v24i2497

Page: 37-50

An in Vivo Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective Potential of Triphala in CCl4 Induced Hepatic Injured Rodent Model

Faisal Ahmed Nadvi, Rifat Ara Nisu , Sabnam Roy Suma , Ankita Bose , Md. Rafat Tahsin , Md. Shah Amran

DOI: 10.9734/jocamr/2023/v24i2498

Page: 51-59

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